Try top-rated dishes Try top-rated dishes
How do I earn free food?
It’s as easy as 1-2-3
Order top rated menu items
Place $33 ✧ order
Rate your experience
Earn $9.90*
Rate your food & drinks
Earn $9.90*
You earned 60% ($19.80)**
Share with friends
Earn +$10/friend†
✧ Offer valid on all size orders
* on your first order from each restaurant
** Must use within 30-90 days
† once they spend $120 on orders
Our Missions
Mission #1
Create the ultimate dining experience
Mission #2
Support local restaurants
Try the best dishes & earn
Earn a 30% credit to try the highest rated menu items
Incentives consider your dietary preferences (with your help)
Try a new restaurant
Earn an additional 30% credit on your first order
(up to 60% in total)
Early adopter bonus
First to rate a dish earns 40% on that dish
First FlavorMatch® review earns 40% extra
(up to 110% in total)
Always earn
Rewards after the one time credits
$10 on every $100 spent in loyalty rewards
All PlateRate credits are for repeat orders
Order how you want
Order In
Get separate checks for your group at the restaurant
Order ahead (in restaurant)
When you’re in a rush
Pre-order your food so its ready when you sit down
Rate anywhere & share
Rate dishes at any restaurant in the world
Friends/family can see your favorite dishes everywhere they go
Objective rating systems
Menu item ratings that mean something:
One of the best I’ve had!
Worth a trip to this restaurant!
Worth eating if I’m already here!
Not very good but I ate it!
So bad I couldn’t eat it!
You can search by these categories too
We let you rate restaurants on:
Service level
Noise level
Introducing FlavorMatch ®
Specify if you prefer spicy, salty, etc.
We warn you if food doesn’t meet your preferences